If the true value of human life could be quantified in energy terms, it is probable that many of the things we spend time doing or achieving will be seen as a loss.
This loss will be more evident if the total energy spent in the development, production, support and maintenance of devices like airplanes, computers and automobiles were to be accurately calculated. This calculation would include the equivalent, in energy terms, of the number of lives lost in developing and using these devices. There appears to be apparent gains but it is debatable if the total energy gain exceeds the total energy input.
The natural and personal disasters we experience while using these technological devices may be a form of energy balance that occurs when the gains seem to exceed the input . It is easy to see that if insufficient energy is put in the development of any device, errors and costly mistakes occur that many times cost lives, forcing us to put in more energy until the real cost of the invention is met after which we may have a usable device. Subsequent use of these devices would still require energy balances, and these may occur in many unrelated ways.
In some ancient traditions, sacrifices of men or animals were used to achieve a kind of energy balance. In modern time, sacrifices through accidents involving hundreds of lives may precede or succeed the final energy balance that is related to a breakthrough. It follows then that for everything energy gain or technological breakthrough, there may be an equivalent loss. Even for non-technical cases, one may gain wealth and lose psychological balance, sense of peace and feeling of security. Gain education but lose common sense and the ability to perceive accurately.
The human being seems capable of achieving anything if he is willing to pay the price in terms of energy input. Also, ideas seem to flow into the human mind when triggered by an earnest demand. To materialize these ideas, there has to be equivalent raw energy input in order to stabilize their manifestation.
While the focus of current civilization is to conquer the environment, in earlier times, the focus was on conquering self and this resulted in great men of old who were reputed to perform miracles. Presently, we seem to be spending precious resources of living energy in exchange for dead energy, and in the process getting physically more powerless even as we empower machines. This is because the moment the human withdraws his energy from any device or object he has developed, it gradually crumples back to dust following the laws of entropy.
We may actually be pawns in a cosmic chessboard that is moved around by occult forces. The peculiarities of the human mind makes it take credit for any thought that appears from within. Most times these thoughts are embraced if it strokes our ego with a sense of importance. More often than not, it is perceived as divine revelation or inspiration. But, this shortsighted understanding may be the very way the game of life is designed. It is disturbing to imagine that choices may already be made before the conscious mind becomes aware of it but this is what new breakthroughs in experimental psychology is forcing us to accept.
Perhaps if there was a way to redirect this massive outflow of precious energy internally then certain latent potentials as well as higher cognitive powers that may invalidate the need for food, agriculture, telephones, airplanes, automobiles and computers may be freely available. The automatic process of growth from a single cell to a mature adult may be extended to a yet unknown kind of man that may evolve, replete with capabilities that dreams may not even be able to capture.
The precious human energy may be best used to advance natures intents, not that one is sure of what this is, as this is pure speculation. But, if such new men were to be produced then our current high technological society would appear primitive as to be unbelievable.
The transition from pure imagination to stable materialization requires an input of expensive human energy so one must count the cost before embarking on any project. It is really not about making a lot of money or producing great technological devices but it may be the equivalent of exchanging precious Gold (living energy) for stones – a sink of dead energy that need more living energy to function.
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